tirsdag 17. februar 2009

South Africa under apartheid

Apartheid is a social and political policy of racial segregation and discrimination enforced by white minority governments in South Africa from 1948 to 1994.

The implementation of the policy, later referred to as "separate development," was made possible by the Population Registration Act of 1950, which put all South Africans into three racial categories: Bantu (black African), white, or Coloured (of mixed race). A fourth category, Asian (Indians and Pakistanis), was added later.

The system of apartheid was enforced by a series of laws passed in the 1950s: the Group Areas Act of 1950 assigned races to different residential and business sections in urban areas, and the Land Acts of 1954 and 1955 restricted nonwhite residence to specific areas.

As time went, The Apartheid devoloped itself to become alot worse. The goverment made seperate sections for each race. Members in one section, were forbidden to work and live in one of the other sections.
Non white had to carry "pass books" to prove that they were allowed to travel in the white sections. The "pass books" contained fingerprints, photo and infomation about race and if they had accses or not.

A "Non-White" with his pass-book under the Apartheid.

The Apartheid laws forbade social contact between diffrent races. For example there was illegal marriages despite the race politics.
There was "white only" jobs and places and very low standard for the "non white" .
In some cases the "non whites" were treaded like animals.

A "Men's toilet, only for white.

Most of the black majority of South Africa, had resisted Apartheid for many years.
They started rioting. A lot of the people that rioted and protested got shot, hurt, killed or sent to prison for life. One of those was Nelson Mandela, he was sent to prison for life because he protested against the laws.

A picture of a riot against the Apartheid.

Finally in 1990 the white regime surrendered. And after almost thirty years of prison Nelson Mandela got released.Three years later all races could vote and Mandela received nobel price. Only a year after he got elected as South Africa's first black president in a democratic election.

Nelson Mandela, Nobel Price winner and South Africa's first black president.

sourcers: http://www.daria.no/skole/?tekst=6429
Pictures: www.google.com

2 kommentarer:

  1. Denne kommentaren har blitt fjernet av en bloggadministrator.

  2. Good definition of Apartheid, but next you should write about how the system of Apartheid had an impact on society. Maybe you could find some interviews of people who lived under Apartheid or find some articles. How was everyday life during Apartheid?
